
Using LinkedIn to grow brand awareness

It may not be as popular as facebook, but LinkedIn has its advantages in digital marketing. A lot has been said about marketing and growing one’s business on LinkedIn because of the misconception that it is only a platform for building a professional network. While this premise is not entirely faulty, this platform allows you to connect with other business owners and help you grow internally.  In fact, it is used by over 450 million business professionals worldwide and also accounts for more than 80% of a business’s social media leads. The bottom line is that LinkedIn does wonders for B2B lead generation. B2B simply means Business-to-Business, its aim is to connect business’s especially start-ups. To take LinkedIn to the next level and use it as a marketing tool, put the following recommendations into action. Your next digital marketing strategy must include LinkedIn.

Just like any other platform, LinkedIn allows you to set up a personal profile and connect with other professionals you know or want to know. You can also follow some esteemed brand and business, influencers and when they post updates or any content you will be prompted. In addition, you can set up a LinkedIn profile for your company to allow people to follow your company’s updates. On LinkedIn, CEOs and founders of start-ups freely converse in freely sharing their tips and ideas in terms of running their business.

Another interesting fact about LinkedIn is known for this “six degree of separation” approach that allows you to easily see how you are connected to someone via others. For purposes of digital marketing, you may be able to draw initial leads and analysis on your followers based on the Linkedin profiles they are interested in and thus they follow. You may be surprised to see how closely you connect to your prospects or customers – and how connected they are to others, including your competition. The following are some tips on how to start using Linkedin as a tool for marketing your business online. 

  • Build your Linkedin profile comprehensively.

Think of your LinkedIn profile as an interactive power resume. In addition to listing information about your work experience and education, LinkedIn allows you to enhance your profile with interactive capabilities that showcase your experience.

  • Create a Company Page which reflects your ideals, goals and what you can truly offer.

Create a company page to tell your company’s story, showcase your products and services, share updates with followers and recruit new employees. Your company page can feature your banner page, products and services, and career opportunities.

  • Take Advantage Of LinkedIn Community Features

LinkedIn provides a number of community features that allow you to communicate and collaborate with other LinkedIn users, including groups, influencers and founders.

  • Leverage LinkedIn as a Marketing Tool especially in connecting with start-ups.

LinkedIn is a valuable tool that can help you grow your B2B business and catapult your career. The following tips will help you use this resource to produce results on getting competitive team members, growing your network, expanding project collaborations and engaging into business to business transactions.