Hosting Exit Feedback Survey "*" indicates required fields May we please ask your name and the organisation you represent?*OVERALL SATISFACTION Overall, how satisfied were you with our NGNY hosting services?*ChooseVery SatisfiedSatisfiedSomewhat SatisfiedUnsatisfiedVery UnsatisfiedCUSTOMER SUPPORTHow satisfied were you with the customer support provided during your time with us?*ChooseVery SatisfiedSatisfiedSomewhat SatisfiedUnsatisfiedVery UnsatisfiedSERVICE QUALITY How would you rate the quality of our hosting services, including uptime, speed, and reliability?*ChooseVery SatisfiedSatisfiedSomewhat SatisfiedUnsatisfiedVery UnsatisfiedSERVICE QUALITYWhat were the primary reasons for deciding to switch to a different hosting provider?FEATURES and CAPABILITIESWere there any features or capabilities that you felt were missing from our hosting service offering?PRICING and VALUEHow do you perceive the value for money of our hosting services provided?*ChooseExcellent ValueGood ValueFairPoorCompletely Priced out of the MarketPRICING AND VALUEDid pricing influence your decision to leave?*ChooseYesNoEASE OF USEHow easy did you find managing your hosting services with us?ChooseSuper EasyEasyNeutralDifficultVery DifficultKEY FACTORS FOR LEAVING?What were the primary reasons for deciding to switch to a different hosting provider?*RECOMMENDATIONHow likely are you to recommend our services to others based on your experience?ChooseVery LikelyLikelyUndecidedUnlikelyVery UnlikelyFUTURE CONSIDERATIONWould you consider returning to our services in the future? If so, what would bring you back?ADDITIONAL FEEDBACKIs there any other feedback or suggestions you would like to provide to help us improve? Δ ShareTweetShare0 Shares Projects with UsIf you’re interested in working or collaborating with us please Call 1300 646 469Book a TimeLocate UsUnit 331/71 Jones St, Ultimo NSW 2007 Send us a message Name* First Last Email* Contact NumberType of enquiry* General Enquiries Design Development Hosting Manufacture Tender / RFQ / EOI / Brief AttachmentsMax. file size: 64 MB.Attachments*Max. file size: 64 MB.Message* Δ HomeNewsAboutOur WorkDesignDevelopmentHostingFAQContact