Improving Aboriginal Digital Service Delivery

Audience: Aboriginal Housing Clients


Why are we sending you this survey?

We believe in the human centred approach to develop and improve technology solutions and products.

As an Aboriginal person and a Homes NSW client you have a unique lived experience and we need to hear from you to help enhance the MyHousing online services for Aboriginal people in NSW and the wider Homes NSW client base.

How to complete the Survey

  • The survey will take approximately 20 - 30 minutes to complete
  • The survey is entirely online and can be completed on your Phone, Tablet or a computer
  • Please Take your time to read and think about your responses
  • Once you start, you will need to complete the survey at that time as your answers will not be saved until you submit your response
  • We know you are busy, so we recommend to:
    • Plan to have some quiet time in your day / week. The survey can be completed 24 hours a day x August.
    • Make a cuppa, get a snack and find a comfortable spot to complete the survey.

Is there any incentive to complete the survey?
All participants who complete the survey can choose to go into the draw to win an Apple iPad Air valued at $1,460.00.

Do I need anything to participate?

  • A device to complete the survey on. Your phone, tablet or computer will work.
  • You need at least 30 minutes of spare time to complete the survey questions.
  • An email or phone number to enter the draw for the Apple iPad.

Is there another way to participate?
Yes. We are conducting group sessions to gather direct feedback from Aboriginal housing clients.
At the end of the survey you will be asked if you would like to participate in one of these sessions.
The sessions will go for up to 90 minutes and will be run by the NGNY team to get your personal perspective and insights on the MyHousing online services.

How to enter the draw for the iPad

  • You will need to complete the survey
  • We will need to know your name & contact details
  • You will need to choose the colour of iPad you would like!

What will we do with your feedback

  • We will use your feedback to help NGNY understand trends and insights into the way Aboriginal Housing Clients use technology and how Aboriginal Housing Clients use the MyHousing online services.
  • Our aim is to gather ideas through your feedback and deliver recommendations that will lead to improvement of the MyHousing online services for Aboriginal Housing Clients and the wider Homes NSW clients.
  • Your answers will be confidential and the collected data is de-identified.
  • The contact information you provide will only be used in relation to entering the draw for the iPad.
    At the completion of the project any personal information provided through the survey will be deleted.

Giveaway Terms & Conditions

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam id justo condimentum, tempus tellus non, gravida tellus. Quisque rhoncus, elit quis sodales blandit, nisl libero dictum turpis, in cursus orci leo vel ex. Vestibulum sagittis ex vel pellentesque imperdiet. Aliquam vitae condimentum lacus. Sed id finibus urna, venenatis bibendum ante. Aliquam et tortor nisl. Aenean ultrices lacus eu fringilla mattis. Proin mattis, mi vel pellentesque tincidunt, lorem mi placerat nisi, ut venenatis dolor sapien vel odio. Nam nunc ligula, auctor consequat tortor vitae, tristique sagittis nisi. Praesent lectus sapien, pretium vel ullamcorper non, rhoncus vel ante. Suspendisse luctus bibendum vestibulum. Vestibulum consectetur tempor porttitor. Praesent imperdiet volutpat lacus, ut consequat urna lacinia non. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla ornare consequat varius. Donec condimentum urna lorem, sit amet finibus lectus feugiat vitae.

    Nunc tellus neque, luctus ac elementum vel, rutrum a mi. Suspendisse egestas tristique sollicitudin. Aliquam sit amet vestibulum purus. Ut vel risus eu odio elementum vestibulum laoreet eget odio. Etiam et orci a est ultricies venenatis id vitae est. Fusce interdum feugiat neque eget malesuada. Fusce imperdiet est vel tellus ultrices porttitor. Sed vel neque non neque vulputate vehicula id quis velit. Donec vel ipsum purus. Proin a felis et quam malesuada placerat. Proin non auctor est. Donec vulputate nec diam ac efficitur. Sed ante diam, hendrerit ac enim ac, ultricies ultrices lectus. Mauris euismod sem lacus, vel sagittis velit interdum id. Mauris tincidunt diam ut feugiat elementum.

    Mauris auctor vestibulum magna. Cras aliquam tristique imperdiet. Quisque lectus nisi, tincidunt sed lacus ac, varius efficitur mi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec cursus malesuada dui a pulvinar. Duis auctor, nisl ut posuere commodo, leo orci faucibus ex, quis mollis massa mauris vitae odio. Aliquam ornare massa et urna venenatis fringilla. Duis pellentesque aliquet hendrerit.

    Nullam vel rutrum felis. Donec maximus ornare ligula in vehicula. Duis sed quam ac tortor vehicula fermentum. Cras consectetur magna at odio semper volutpat. Phasellus dolor nibh, luctus vel hendrerit at, sodales non ante. Nam auctor luctus ex id fermentum. Quisque faucibus auctor eros vel ornare. Quisque eget nisl sed enim laoreet sollicitudin. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris quam augue, mattis a tempus tincidunt, volutpat ac justo. Mauris ligula odio, consequat fringilla odio vitae, mollis tempor ipsum.

    Cras bibendum pretium ipsum quis luctus. Nam nec euismod lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus dui risus, egestas vel elit eu, pretium interdum lacus. Nullam magna felis, sodales quis felis ac, tincidunt malesuada ipsum. Suspendisse eu scelerisque odio. Suspendisse eu laoreet nisi, eu mollis libero. Vivamus bibendum turpis et dui molestie, tincidunt efficitur sem accumsan. Etiam feugiat ligula ut metus accumsan, ut pulvinar eros iaculis. Morbi eget maximus odio.


    Sydney Office:  331/67-71 Jones St,
    Ultimo, 2007 NSW